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NeuroStakes Winners 2022
Neurology Residents Win NeuroStakes Competition in Nov 2022 at New York Neurologic Society Meeting


Conference Attendees

One to two conferences are held daily throughout the year.


At this weekly case conference with the program director, residents present an interesting case they have encountered as an unknown. We practice diagnostic reasoning by beginning with the chief complaint, then moving to the history of present illness, 等 developing tentative localization and etiologic diagnosis as information about the patient is presented. Once we have arrived at diagnosis, the resident presents the definitive studies and then reviews the topic. This conference is fun, interesting and takes advantage of our tremendous case mix. Breakfast provided.

Summer Emergency Management Series

This recurring series introduces new residents to basic elements of clinical neurology such as the neurologic history, 检查, note-writing, safe handoffs and basic localization. It also covers the recognition and management of neurologic emergencies such as coma, status epilepticus, 中风, acute vision loss, neuromuscular emergencies and the like. July and August each year.

Daily Noon 会议

Daily noon conferences follow an anatomic model and integrates instruction in basic science with clinical sciences. We begin in September with review of the cortical anatomy, 中风的机制, classic 中风 syndromes, pathology and neuroradiology of 中风 and brain cutting. From there we move to epilepsy, reviewing cortical organization, 皮质层, anatomy of the hippocampus, seizure mechanisms, introduction to EEG, neuropharmacology of epilepsy and anti-convulsants, 等. Then to the basal ganglia and movement disorders, brainstem and demyelinating disorders, to spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system. Each section is followed by a Jeopardy or other assessment to encourage study and reinforce content.

Other conferences:

  • Monthly meetings with the program leadership to identify and fix practical problems residents may be struggling with.
  • Departmental Quality Officer, Dr. 阿Duleep, meets monthly with the residents to work on patient safety/quality education and quality improvement projects.
  • Monthly Wellness Conference. 
  • Communication Skills training using standardized patients helps residents rehearse difficult conversations such as disclosing a life-threatening diagnoses or a medical error. (每3年)
  • American Academy of Neurology Evidence-based Medicine Course for Neurology Residents. (every other year)
  • Residents attend monthly Journal Clubs. Sessions are designed to: improve knowledge about reserach methods and statistical analysis, foster critical thinking about published research, apply tenents of evidence based medicine to understanding publications.
  • 中风米&Ms
  • Monthly “Social Rounds” with lunch with the Chief Residents


Held starting late September through June, 会诊 lectures are presented by faculty, residents and fellows and outside speakers on a wide range of current topics. Once a month departmental morbidity and mortality conferences are held.

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