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Lectures and Conferences

Journal Club

A fellow, faculty, midlevel provider, or an ID Pharm D present an article from a reputed, peer-reviewed journal. This is of half an hour duration weekly from September through June. 

ID Grand Rounds

Infectious Disease Grand Rounds are held once a week. These are presented predominately by fellows and faculty of the Infectious Disease Division. A few presentations each year are done by faculty from the Division of Microbiology or one of the ID Pharm Ds. Occasionally, outside speakers also present either in person or via teleconferencing facilities in the ID Conference Room. ID Grand Rounds are of one hour duration, weekly from September through June. 

Clinical Case Conference

In this weekly clinical conference, fellows present one to two clinical cases followed by a review of medical literature pertaining to specific questions raised by the attendees - faculty, fellows, residents, and medical students. A third case is sometimes presented by one of the faculty. The conference is of one hour duration, weekly from September through June.

HIV Case Conference

The HIV management conference provides the ID fellows with formal instruction in HIV/AIDS pathogenesis and treatment including new "cutting edge" basic and clinical research. This course is designed to supplement the inpatient and outpatient HIV clinical experience. The course includes a general review of viral and immunopathogenesis of HIV, epidemiology including origins of disease, diagnostic methodologies, evaluation of the new patient, antiretroviral therapy including mechanisms of resistance, complications of therapy including metabolic disease, and management of opportunistic infections. in addition, the course will address the controversies in management of HIV during the acute infection, pregnancy, post and pre exposure prophylaxis and universal testing. Participants will understand recent literature addressing these issues. They will understand available system resources in the United States and the local region, and issues unique to resource poor settings. Participants will be required to complete an assessment of their own practice and purpose and perform a practice improvement project. In addition, participants will be encouraged to complete additional CME and sit for testing for AAHIVM certification (American Academy of HIV Medicine.) The HIV conference consists of monthly one hour sessions moderated by Infectious Disease faculty. The faculty oversight for this series is Dr. Reddy. 

Core Conference/Board Review

Faculty review Core textbook chapters (Mandell) as well as guidelines from IDSA and other professional societies, for a variety of infectious diseases. In addition, select topics and questions are discussed with the ID fellows by the ID faculty and ID Pharm D. Board review sessions to help fellows prepare for the ID board exams. Core Conference/Board Review sessions are of two hour duration, weekly from September through June. 

